Metal halide lamps

  • Metal Halide uv lamp

    Metal Halide uv lamp

    Metal Halide uv lamp UV lamps are classified into product use and pressure. The classification of product use differs by the UV wavelength range applied to manufactured products. For instance, curing lamp requires 365/420nm ultraviolet rays, and hardens resin for UV curing, ink, and adhesives. Classification according to pressure refers to pressure of UV lamp. In case of low pressure UV lamp, pressure arises around hundreds of Torr, wall temperatures range around approximately 40?, and UV wavelength range is usuallyaround 184.9 and 253.7nm. This is a lamp that irradiates continuous UV...

  • Mercury uv lamp

    Mercury uv lamp

    Mercury uv lamp UV lamps are classified into product use and pressure. The classification of product use differs by the UV wavelength range applied to manufactured products. For instance, curing lamp requires 365/420nm ultraviolet rays, and hardens resin for UV curing, ink, and adhesives. Classification according to pressure refers to pressure of UV lamp. In case of low pressure UV lamp, pressure arises around hundreds of Torr, wall temperatures range around approximately 40?, and UV wavelength range is usuallyaround 184.9 and 253.7nm. This is a lamp that irradiates a rich amount of...