About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
Markets:Belgium , China , Japan
About us:Welcome. Thank you for visiting Woojin Precision Co., Ltd. on the Internet which is the new space or 21 country. Woojin has manufactured various goods every year with the newest productive equipments to meet customers' need since the foundation in 1978. We started to product the parts of war equipments and now we have expanded our business to manufacturing of the parts of automobile and developmental frailties.

Also, with high technology and rapid productive ability we have we have met the customers needs. Indeed, we look after customers' satisfaction by providing the best goods and service and the personnel under stand the quality system and try to improve continuously.

The personnel in woojin will do our best to develop the better products that can give satisfaction to customers with the company sprit of the best quality. we will try to be a leader that can win customer's confidence in the field of machine industry with 20 years know, continuous R&D and investment of equipments.