About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
About us:Business Ideas.

Passion: Making a work delightful while smile is originated from the delight, vitalizing the organization.

Innovation: Breaking from the convention, innovative and creative thinking warrants distinguished business of management and technology

Faith: Every human relation is developed and based on faith.

Customer delight and satisfaction will make a customer be faithful.


* Blue Chip Business of Plasma Process Equipment in 2010

SNTEK is specialized in the applied plasma technology, which is the core of semiconductor and display device, ambitiously setting a goal to be the top plasma core process device manufacturing maker through the ceaseless R&D activities and creating the maximized value for employees and investors.

*In 2015, the corporation aims to be the world's best high tech device manufacturer.

SNTEK will continue to develop applied plasma technology to be the state-of-the-art plasma device maker in the world's next generation industry, as one of the world's leading businesses.