About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
About us:Thank you for your interest of our company, Micropowder Co.,Ltd. is one of leading companies on the field of pulverization of mineral materials in Korea. Our company was established in 07 1997 to supply directly fine-graded mineral materials, which were imported from oversea at that time, to companies, and to open up pulverization industry in South Korea. For the pulverization of heavy and hard mineral materials, we had equipped a large capacity Ball Mill, for the light and soft, installed Air Mill, and to supply fine-graded materials, having invested Pilot Mill. Blast Furnace Fine Powder for Concrete Application, Siliceous Fertilizer, Sulfur Polyer Concrete and Sulfur Polymer Aaphalt are in our major products, which have been well proved to be good quality by customers. We take pride in our facilities and our know-how of pulverization accumulated for over 10 years, and will be continuously developing technologies of pulverization to meet the needs of customers.