No of Employees:101-500
Markets:China , U. Kingdom , Japan , Netherland , U.S.A
About us:We, Hankook Machine Tools Co.,Ltd. in Korea was established in 1969 and have contributed to Korean machine tool technology up to now. We have considerable experiences in manufacturing and deliverying so many kinds of machine tools to the overseas markets as well as domestic market for more than 30 years.

We are now pushing our products into all of the world markets and supporing all the things after sales.

Our products range are as belows.

- CNC vertical turing and milling lathe

- CNC heavy duty cutting horizontal lathe

- CNC large roll lathe

- Semi-NC high precision productive lathe

- Conventional lathe

- Protal type machining center

Also specializing in customizing! For further more information, please visit our website

Now all of us ate stand-bying for your interests and inquiries. Please contact us!