About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
About us:It is HAEDO INDUSTRY representative Lee Chan Woo. 98' our HAEDO that does Cheonghwan Company with uterus and holds many patent I do customers satisfaction in highest priority, and maximizes mysterious effect and effect of barren land and far infrared and developed Whangtto Sut.

Whangtto Sut is nature friendship enemy and as well as economical product work. There is various advantage such as convenience and Welbing, meat taste. It is inferior medium and small enterprises' operation situation, but I will do substantiality to sense of mission as enterpriser.

Also, welcome to visit and consultation of customer with interest to Whangtto Sut to be enterprise which give belief and happiness. I will do my best to be enterprise which always know to listen on customer's word. Thank you.