About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
About us:We have made a business on mainly shopping, Door-to-door marketing, duty free shops, department stores. We are specialized in developing and distiributes our own products by self. We treat the most competitive products such as Korea exclusive, World exclusive, patented one. In Korea, we hit many products at GS, CJ, NS, Hyundai Home Shopping, etc. filed. This caviar product initiative was launched 10 years ago after preparing period of 3 years and it is an exclusive product in South Korea. Now this product is rapidly popular among celebrities also sold at high prices. Call sales company or other duty-free shops have been rushed of orders. As you know, the material is the best and luxury material for a humanity. Anyone can not able to manufacture a caviar except permission from UN legal as referred patented. Japanese chain manufacturers in the world market and China's health insurance distributor ask to give exclusive rights but yet nobody did anything about. I think anyone who would join with us will be a great opportunity to earn money and extend a business.

Thank you.