About Us

It has grown up as a medical-device-specialized company. We had done research on wellness system with the department of Biomedical Engineering at Kyeong-hee university. As a result, we have participated in building u-healthcare centers in Seoul Forest, Daegu Hamji Park, and Busan Children’s public park. Also serving as a chairman of a medical device experts’ forum called MEDEF, we have  contributed a lot in the development of medical device industry by co-working with Korea Health Industry Development Institute, the ministry of Knowledge Economy and many other institutes and companies.

it is now demonstrating Smart Wellness(Wellbeing + Happiness) which is the core value in Health 3.0 by developing Dipda, the core brand in preventing and improving health. Especially, we are now doing research on stamina, body shape, and physical fitness and mental fitness, and we will lead the new market through converging sports medicine and ICT.