Product: Adjustable well-being pillow
The sleeping position changes because the sleepers toss and turn during sleeping.
The neck bone and the head height is changed according to the height, weight, flesh and muscle and the pillow supporting the neck bone and the head should be adjustable.
If sleepers keep using the pillow that does not change to the body position, the circulation gets
disturbed on the area that is pressed to cause pain, discomfort, breathing disorder that leads to
related diseases. Once the physical functions gets week to cause the sleeping disturbance leading to sleep deprivation, fatigue and other side effects.
We provide the well-being pillow that can be adjusted to the height of the body and head according to the sleeping position by measuring the body size, to improve the sleep habits by gently fixing the
head onto the pillow not to slip off and making the position change comfortable to address the
sleeping disorder by inducing the deep sleep for healthier life.
This product is produced based on the new utility model patents and has been applied to the
design patent.
Features:Easily adjustable to the body and the head.
Prevents the ear ache from the bad position by adjusting the height.
Lets the healthful ingredients in and out to/from to induce a sound sleep.
The spring relaxes and stretches the muscle of the shortened neck bone during the day.
Fixes the head not to slip off.
Helps the tossing and turning comfortable of 20~30 times during the night.
Supports gently fixes the neck and the spine.
Disperse the pressure onto the specific area to address the sleeping disturbance and induce a
sound sleep
Specifications:The adjustable well-being pillow comes in small, medium and large sizes.. The extra-large size is
made to order.
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