Portable Speed Hump
Product information
Size : L300 x W385 x T20
Material : urethane
Brief description
- Control car speeds
- Portable assembly
- Easy installation
- High quality materials
Portable speed hump application
- Helps prevent personal injury accidents caused from driver drowsiness
- Helps prevent accidents when installed in front of road constructions and maintenance job sites
- Incudes the driver to slow down when approaching quarantine sites
- Encourages vechies to slow down when approaching quarantine sites
- Temporary control of car lanes and how veichles enter such car lanes
Fabricated Speed Hump
Product information
Size: W(road width) × L1000mm × H75mm
Material : rubber
Size: W(road width) × L2000mm × H75mm
Material: rubber
Size: W(road width) × L3000mm × H75mm
Material: rubber
Brief description
- Portable and handy speed hump
- Various sizes available
- Supply at low prices
- Special rubber and plaster materials
What are Speed Humps?
Fabricated Speed Humps prevent speeding in certain road sections which require slow driving speeds as well as restrict the entrance of cars to residential areas or school districts.
Where Speed Humps should be installed?
- In areas which require cars to reduce their speeds (for example near schools, kindergartens, children’s playgrounds, neighborhood parks, and secondary roads.
- On roads which do not differentiate between sidewalks and driveways as there is an increased danger of traffic accidents due to many pedestrians and the possibility of more children playing.
- Near housing complexes, neighborhood shopping facilities, schools, hospitals, and religious facilities – areas that require cars to have specific speeding restrictions.
- Near the entrances of parking lots, apartments, shopping centers, and large buildings.
Features and Comparisons with Ascon Products:
Modular Speed Humps:
- The standard sizes give peace of mind
- Colors are vivid and drivers can sufficiently slow down before the Speed Humps
- Semi-permanent and they can be partially repaired
- Simple installations require 30 minutes or less
- Installation does not interrupt traffic
- Modular Speed Humps can be installed anywhere
- Removed parts can be crushed and re-used
Ascon Speed Humps
- Irregular dimensions and traffic control is less secure
- Paint easily wears off, reducing visibility of the speed hump and causing dangerous, sudden stops
- Can easily be distorted and must be repaired every year
- Installation is long and expensive (about 250,000 won per meter)
- Long installation times will cause traffic jams
- Difficult to install in underground concrete roads and highway rest stops
- Damaged sections cannot be recycled or re-used
Why are Ascon Speed Humps so easily distorted?
Ascon Speed Humps become distorted less than a year after their installation due to hot weather. More importantly, in Korea we have no curved surface working equipment, making Ascon, with its low compound ratio of gravels and sands, easier to work with. Instead of installing much-needed and new speed humps, they will always have to be repaired. This constant problem can only be solved by employing Shindo’s Modular Speed Humps.
Forward Direction 1000mm X Height 75mm X Road Width
Material – Special Rubber
Forward Direction 2000 mm X Height 75 mm X Road Width
Material – Special Rubber
Forward Direction 3000 mm X Height 50 mm X Road Width
Material – Special Rubber
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