Parts for Electric Automobile

Parts for Electric Automobile

Parts for Electric Automobile Made in Korea


1. Electric Motors for Automobile Type Power Application Remark LEO 4.5kw 100-125CC Motorcycle Air cooling system ATT 9-18kw 800CC Automobile Water cooling system ATT 30-50kw 1,000CC Automobile - ditto - ATTLEO 50-100w 4,000CC 15passengersBus or 1-1.5ton truck - ditto - Dedication of Sammyung RND ; Sammyung Econics is devoted to various types of EVs(Electric Vehicles) or HEVs(Hybrid Electric Vehicle). The company brings innovations into the automotive industry so that low volume production of such vehicles may become practical. Sammyung is creating a new set of comprehensive solutions for simultaneous equations with unknowns of many technical and business factors. All the efforts the company has been spending are focused on the single goal - making EVs and HEVs available for consumers at affordable prices. Why New Solution for EVs & HEVs The first generation of each and every EV or HEV successfully marketed will be sold at annual volume of a few thousand to, at best, a few tens of thousands. Almost all vehicle models of big auto makers are produced using materials, equipment and processes evolved over time aligned to high manufacturing volume of a few hundred of thousands for each vehicle model. Manufacturing cost rises very stiffly as manufacturing volume drops from its desirable range in the conventional high-speed production facility. Please see how manufacturing cost in conventional method varies depending on the volume as indicated by the green line of the chart below. EV and HEV developed and produced with this conventional wisdom cannot meet the cost requirement of the market. Please find the green diamonds in the chart to check the manufacturing cost of the EV using conventional wisdom. Merits of Sammyung & ATT R&D team's Innovation The innovative solutions created by ATT R&D allow production of the niche market vehicles at much lower cost than the conventional system. Please see how manufacturing cost in our R&D's solutions varies depending on the volume as indicated by the violet line of the chart above. EV and HEV to be produced according to ATT R&D's prescription will make the manufacturing business profitable. Please find the violet triangles in the chart to check the manufacturing cost of EV R&D designs. Highly-Efficient Organization for Simultaneous Styling & Engineering A vehicle of nice styling attracts consumers and therefore adds value of the vehicle. Styling also affects broadly types, materials, sources and reliability of parts and subsystems of the vehicle. Expenses for development and manufacturing costs are also strongly influenced by styling. Work of stylists can be realized, only when engineers can design parts in accordance with the styling. Therefore, stylists and engineers should cooperate each other and understand the field of the counterpart. At our R&D stylists and all areas of engineers work physically mixed together. Open dialogue and prompt communication are always possible between stylists and engineers. This saves a lot of miscommunication and delays in finding problems and setting up countermeasures. Each design engineer of our R&D has, in average, more than 10 years of automotive industry and well knows many design and process alternatives. Roles of design engineers at our R&D are not confined to design, but they are responsible also for outsourcing of parts and subsystems. They have realistic sense of economics of parts they are responsible for. Information fed by engineers to stylists in the course of styling work made stylists fully understand how their styling design affects safety, manufacturing costs, up-front investment, delivery and so forth. Speed of information flow between stylists and engineers are exceptionally fast at our R&D. Organizational structure and cooperate culture of our R&D make performance of its development team of highest qualification in experience, professionalism and passion even more heightened. As a result, few trial-and-errors and little waste of time occur at our R&D to achieve design goals. Light & Medium Vehicle Platform of Dedicated Packaging Layout Vehicle platform is a base structure of a vehicle. Huge scale of human resources, time and money are consumed to develop a new vehicle platform. Budget spent to develop a ground-up vehicle platform often exceeds a few hundred million US dollars. Therefore, development of a new vehicle platform is regarded as one of toughest jobs of automakers. On the other hand a vehicle platform, once developed, can be used for more than a decade being commonly applied to various vehicle models. Therefore, vehicle platforms are invaluable properties of automakers. The EV(Electric Vehicle) demands a light body and our R&D has chosen aluminum alloys as primary materials for the vehicular body. Aluminum behaves quite differently from steel in many mechanical aspects including stiffness, crashworthiness and durability. Aluminum's unique chemical characteristics affects processes of painting and anti-corrosion measures. Types and parameters of joining methods proper for aluminum parts are different from those for steel parts. So, the difficulty of development task for an aluminum vehicle platform is significantly leveled up from what might be expected for a platform of a steel body. The vehicle platform to be used for the EV(Electric Vehicle) requires new layout to accommodate the electric powertrain which is totally different from the powertrain using fossil fuels. It is irrational to use the conventional vehicle layout and to find a space to install around 700 pounds of batteries. Meeting new packaging layout of the EV requires very creative work, since there is few examples to benchmark. Benchmarking used to a typical approach of automakers to develop a new vehicle platform. However, when you develop a new vehicle layout for the EV at this moment, you need to create a new layout, which other makers later benchmark and duplicate. Layout talks many things by a few drawings. Please visit the web page of Platform-X EV to see what our R&D has done for the small EVs. We look forward that you recognize, from the pictures and explanation, our distinguished capability of creating excellent packages for specific EVs. We apply different packaging concept for different vehicles, although they may use similar powertrain. We try to use common parts to reduce up-front investment and manufacturing cost. However, we do not carry over the platform of one group of vehicles to other groups of vehicles to save our effort. Five groups of vehicles shown in web page of Products of our R&D are given their own vehicle platforms and layouts to best perform. Manufacturing Process of Low up-Front Investment Fixed costs of a vehicle gets bigger, as manufacturing volume of the vehicle decreases. Once you invest for equipment and tooling, payment of interests and depreciation of your investment start regardless how many vehicles you produce. Interests and depreciation, in general, are not subject to your control. Assemble and test line Some methods and technologies supporting the methods to form body parts adapted by our R&D are relatively new to automotive industry. However, they are not technologies of research laboratories. They have been widely used in other industries for small volume production. When ATT R&D brought the technologies into automotive applications it, however, did not brought as it was in other industries. our R&D's efforts converted the technologies into somewhat different formats so that higher efficiency and lower costs required by auto industry may be achieved. (Sorry for not being able to explain the technologies in more detail at this moment. We will soon disclose ATT R&D's forming technologies in more explicit languages.) Saving in investment for equipment and tooling is achieved only when the vehicle is designed to be built by the equipment and tooling selected. Therefore manufacturing is not an issue separated from design activity. When our R&D designs a new vehicle, aspects of manufacturing are seriously considered. Efforts are made to select packaging layout, types and materials of parts to result in minimized up-front investment at no sacrifice of quality and manufacturing cost. Design engineers at our R&D has to clearly envision results at manufacturing sites, whenever they start design something. Application 1,500CC off road automobile 1.5 ton truck 2. Rapid electric recharging station 3. Lithium polymer battery and other concerning components 4. Recycling of waste materials. Application companies in the world wide Antera LLC, Maryland, USA DM Breaker Equipments, Perth, Australia. Weifang Daikin Co., Ltd. China, Special construction Co. Khabarovsk, Russia Hitech kabel, Tashkent, UZB Sammyung Econics engineering system have been experienced during 10 years will be make a most efficient opportunity what do you want.

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