What is LED Plant Growth Controller?
Normal plants go through the photosynthesis the most actively in the range from 450nm to
660nm where the chlorophyll absorption peak is the highest. This controller can help anyone
grow plants indoors and carry out tests, decoration and promotion by using the artificial luminous
source (LED). As this product can help facilitate or inhibit the growth of plants by changing the
lighting device (Wavelength (Colors), it can be used not only for the purposes of education and
hobby, but also as an interior article.
-can grow agricultural products in a stable and environmentally friendly manner, and can be an
alternative plan for growing plants in the future
-Indoor garden to allow you to grow water plants, wetland plants and general plants within the
same place.
-Educational effect and interior
iFarm - Terarium
-Can control the wavelength of the light, the intensity of radiation and the pulse and apply them to
various plants
-A fan is used for the lighting equipment in order to provide fresh air for the plants, circulate the air
and emit the heat from the lighting device.
-Without additional supply of water, the necessary amount of moisture can be absorbed
-Can cultivate the plant easily by using an exclusive pot
-Can utilize the database of the characteristics related to the growth of the plant responding to a
LED luminous source
-Indoor air purification and humidity retaining
-A substitute for a sleep lamp (nightlights)
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