Effect of garlic
01. Garlic helps prevent and suppress cancer
- Effective in preventing stomach cancer, large intestine cancer, and prostate cancer and treating
breast cancer, uterine cancer, and larynx cancer.
- Removes oxygen free radicals and detoxifies sulfur compounds
02. Garlic helps improve blood vessel diseases
- Prevents hardening of the arteries and hyperlipidemia: prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol
and prevents damages to the inner skin cells of arteries
-Ajoene cleans the blood vessels
03. Garlic helps treat high blood pressure
-Allicin expands blood vessels and S-allyl cysteine relaxes the cells inside the vessels
04. Diabetes Improvement Supplements Garlic
-Allicin and vitamin B6 merge to vitalize the cells in the pancreas: smooth secretion of insulin
- If garlic and vitamin Care consumed, the blood sugar drops –induces the normal operation of
05. Garlic calms the liver
-Allicin vitalizes the liver cells and allithiamine(vitalizing vitamin B1) promotes metabolism and
vitalizes the liver’s functions
-Diallyldisulfide and S-allyl cysteine prevent the effect of enzymes related to the metabolic
activation of carcinogens and vitalize detoxifying enzymes.
06. Garlic greatly helps improve stomach-related diseases and constipation
- Inulin (the stickiness of garlic) envelops the gastric mucosa to protect the stomach from gastric
-Allicin vitalizes the peristalsis of the stomach to solve the problem of constipation
07. Garlic good for treating colds, tineapedis, and skin diseases
- Garlic helps prevent colds by enhancing immunity, improving the body’s natural ability to self
heal and attacking cold viruses.
- Effective in treating allergy related rhinitis, asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases.
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