One Step Hepatitis A virus Antibodies Test
Hepatitis A is an acute infectious disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus usually spread the fecal-oral route; transmitted person-to-person by ingestion of contaminated food or water or through direct contact with an infectious person.
The symptoms and signs
Adenovirus Ag
One Step Adenovirus Antigen Test
Adenovirus(ADV) is a well-known cause of respiratory illness in children. Adenovirus infections are endemic in nature, showing little tendency to occur seasonally or in outbreaks. Forty-one serotypes with strict specificity for humans show a predominant association with respiratory and
Rotavirus Ag
One Step Rotavirus Antigen Test
A Rotavirus infection causing gastroenteritis is one of the major health concerns throughout the world. Scientists have described seven rotavirus groups(A to G). Only groups A, B and C infect humans. Group A, which has multiple strains, causes the majority of childhood infections. Children
Dengue NS1 Ag
One Step Dengue NS1 Ag Test
NS1(non-structural protein 1) is a highly conserved glycoprotein that is essential for the viability of Dengue virus and is produced both in membrane-associated and secretory forms by the virus. NS1 antigen is present at high concentration in the blood of dengue virus-infected patients during