1 Based on “cognitive linguistics,” a learner with the reference book that matches the learner’s
level based on association, reasoning power, and logic, while playing “games,” learns the
language naturally.
2. Contents comprised of illustrations, charts, and plant/animal illustrations are published as a
book->developed as a learning
1. Reference books consisting of various plays and kids’ favorite puzzle-type learning tool plus
learning through the computer, incorporating fun and learning to maximize learning effects.
2. Satisfies fun and learning altogether with alphabet magnet meg puzzle and Gil magnet
alphabet puzzle to quickly learn English in a fun way.
3. Five
1. Reference books consisting of various plays and kids’ favorite puzzle-type learning tool plus
learning through the computer, incorporating fun and learning to maximize learning effects.
2. Based on “cognitive linguistics,” a learner with the reference book that matches the learner’s
level based on association, reasoning power, and