E.F eng.

About Us

“We will be a company equipped with prime competitiveness and grow and develop along with our customers.” EF Engineering, established in May 1996, has been manufacturing precision parts of FPCB covelay RTR step punching M/C/semiconductor equipment and automation facilities, aiming at contributing to parts industry’s development. By applying standard parts to the manufacturing of FPD/semiconductor/PCB devices and automation facilities, we have hugely innovated efficiency in terms of time and cost. EF Engineering manufactures outstanding automation facilities and machine tools, based on parts manufacturing technology prowess built up so far and our engineers’ experience along with years of design and manufacturing performances. We wish to contribute to the development of Korea’s precision facility manufacturing industry. The key factors for product competitiveness can be core function design, manufacturing, quality and on time delivery. EF Engineering strives to standardize the parts and facilities and improve quality in an effort to supply superb parts and systems to our customers. We are doing our very best for new product development and standardization. EF Engineering is committed to providing the highest quality products and services to meet customer needs. Thank you.