Noble White Toothpaste

Noble White Toothpaste

Noble White Toothpaste Made in Korea


Noble White Toothpaste This toothpaste is a high quality product that contains silver foil and bio elements to improve oral health. It has the excellent effects of improving various gum diseases, as well as cavities, tooth pain, and periodontaldiseases. As it has silver's strong sterilization functions against approximately 650 kinds of germs, it keeps your teeth healthy. As time goes by, the toothpaste delivers an excellent odor removing action and anti-germ function. It improves and prevents the accumulation of plaque. To provide the definite effect of tooth health, silver foil, bio elements, and other functional substances are formulatedfor this toothpaste.This toothpaste does not contain abrasives so it does not erode teeth even if you brush your teeth often. It is also effective in removing tongue coating (candidiasis), and is excellent for cleaning false teeth.It is made by Korea's own patented production technology, and is exported to many countries around the world (Europe, China, Japan, Germany, and Taiwan).

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