Eco-friendly Natural ingredients based deo...

Eco-friendly Natural ingredients based deo...

Eco-friendly Natural ingredients based deo... Made in Korea


- Product Description . Natural ingredients-based deodorant . Green odor eliminator . It is environmental-friendly products made from non toxic natural ingredients and is safe for health and hygiene. . It stores photo/bio balanced energy in mycelia of the basidiomycetes and emits a wavelength range of far-infrared radiations to eliminate offensive odors and refresh air. . Cover all offensive and unpleasant odors in our daily life

- Specification . Model : Sang Keu Mi . Dimension : 70*70*9mm . Weight : 23g . Color : green - Characteristics . Non toxic eco-friendly products, complete elimination of the odors, air cleaning, moisture control via absorption, long lasting after unsealing . Elimiation of the odors -> it is a perfect odor remover to eliminate many other offensive odors. . Air cleaning feature -> as it emits a photo/bio balanced energy, including energy balance of material, far-infrared wavelength activates an anion to neutralize the cation of the pollute air, thus the air cleaning effect. . Absortion -> Mycelia of the basidiomyceletes not only absorbs the oder particles and get rid of the odors, but also controls moisture level. . Purpose of usage : odors in fridges, cars, bathroom, shoe shelves, smoking room, new house, new furniture, indoor, pet house, basement,leather products and so on

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