AC1030 Washing Powder

AC1030 Washing Powder

AC1030 Washing Powder Made in Korea


It is a scrub type of granular deep-cleansing wash powder, that are easy to carry, use and to store.With its rich foams, scrub works deep inside the skinBy revitalizing skin tissues, it helps you to maintain clean and clear and also moist skin. Main ingredients Phytoncide, Willow tree bark, Lactose, Na-PCA, Olive oil, Vitamin C AC1030 Washing Powder With its rich foams and cleaning power, it removes waste and makeup residue entirely and by maintaining clean and smooth skin, it nurtures skin that are always clean and clear. By using lactose possessing excellent power to absorb moistures and NMF, a moisturizing agent, it helps to keep moist skin last for long time after a use . By using olive oil, rich in essential fatty acid and willow tree bark which speed up turn-over of the skin, it is safe and suitable for skin, and also very effective in restoring damaged skin. By adding Vitamin C, it helps to keep your skin clean and clear. Directions for use Put adequate amount on the palm of your hand and lather using small amount of water. Gently rub your face like massaging it and rinse using warm water. If there is makeup, follow above directions and wash one more time.

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