I\'m Natural Handmade Beauty Korea Soap

I\'m Natural Handmade Beauty Korea Soap

I\'m Natural Handmade Beauty Korea Soap Made in Korea


Features of I'm natural Soap I'm natural does not use any chemical additive such as preservative, chemical surfactant, artificial dyes, artificial flavoring agent and coagulant. I'm natural is rich in natural glycerin and antimicrobial activity of imnatural is 99.9%. I'm natural is produced with CP(chemically pure) and gets through 6 weeks natural ripening and is good to use and is rich in froth. Production process of imnatural Measuring oil> maintaining temperature> mixing caustic soda> blending>pouring into a mold> heat insulation and ripening for 24 hours> cutting with hand >ripening and drying for 6 weeks> packing. Specification Green Clay (for oily skin) Weight :100g/90g (when dried) Ingredients : green clay, rosemary herb, jojoba, olive, coconut, palm, grape seed oil, peppermint, essential oil, vitamin E etc. Features :- Green clay keeps skin clean and makes skin tone brighter and vents trouble caused by alien substance by clearly removing alien substance and excessive oil in pores. In addition, green clay helps keep the skin soft. Rosemary herb which is good for acne and eczema is effective in healing a cold and muscle pain and relieving stress by promoting blood circulation and clearing away the cobwebs from brain. Futhermore, rosemary is very effective in furuncle caused by oil during summer and oily skin that contains lots of sebum. Skullcap (for complex skin) Weight :100g/90g (when dried) Ingredients : olive, palm, coconut, seed of a camellia, jojoba, grape seed oil, high quality oil, 100% lavender essential oil, vitamin E, scutellaria dry powder etc. Features : - Scutellaria powder, a main ingredient of skullcap soap is very effective in soothing heat and healing atopic dermatitis and allergic skin ailment. Skullcap has been popular among Koreans since the period of the Three States. Furthermore, skullcap soap contains camellia oil which has good skin moisturizing effect and skin soothing effect. Rose Queen (for dry skin) Weight :100g/90g (when dried) Ingredients : rose herb, pink clay, evening primrose oil, palm, olive, coconut, grape seed oil, high quality butter, lavender essential oil, vitamin E etc. Features : - High quality butter contained in rose queen helps keep the skin shinning and elastic as it has a good moisturizing effect and prevents the skin from being dried. Furthermore, rose queen contains natural ingredient that blocks ultraviolet ray. Rose queen is effective in regenerating cells and healing a wound as has a good skin penetration. Rose, a byword for beauty is called queen of fragrance. Rose is very effective in preventing the skin from aging as it has a good moisturizing effect.Lavender essential oil which is effective in relieving stress is good for all skin types. Lavender essential oil clears away the cobwebs from your brain and helps you have a deep sleep and relieve fatigue. Eosungcho (for sensitive skin) Weight :100g/90g (when dried) Ingredients : eosungcho powder, olive, palm oil, coconut oil, seed of camellia, jojoba, grape seed, lavender essential oil, natural additives, vitamin E etc. Features : - Eosungcho, a main ingredient of eosungcho soap has such a good detoxification effect that it is called natural antibiotics. In addition, eosungcho is effective in making the skin cleaner and prevent skin trouble. Furthermore, eosungcho is effective in healing inflammation and regenerating cells. Eosungcho has been used to heal damaged skin, skin ailment, acne, athlete's foot from ancient days. Lavender aroma oil contained in eosungcho soap is effective in clearing away the cobwebs from your brain and having a deep sleep and relieving fatigue. Pearl (for clean skin) Weight :100g/90g (when dried) Ingredients : pearl powder, olive, palm, coconut, grape seed, jojoba, seed of camellia, lavender essential oil, natural additives, vitamin E etc. Features : - Pearl powder, a main ingredient of pearl soap is effective in whitening as it contains amino acid. Pearl is very effective in making the skin cleaner and preventing hyper pigmentation and skin aging as it contains 20 kinds of mineral and various physilogical active substances. Furthermore, pearl has good moisturizing, cell regenerating and cleaning effect. Pearl soap is very effective for rough, dark and tired skins as it contains olive oil and jojoba oil which have a good moisturizing effect. Tin Tin (skin during adolescence) Weight :100g/90g (when dried) Ingredients : Peach seed, olive, grape seed oil, palm, coconut, lemon essential oil, natural additives, vitamin E etc. Features : - Jojoba, a main ingredient of Tin Tin is not sticky and very similar to sebum. Jojoba is effective in removing serum and keeping the skin clean. Peach seed helps you keep your skin smooth and elastic as it is very effective in removing keratin and shortening cell circulating cycle. Lemon essential oil contained in Tin Tin is effective in relieving stress with fresh fragrance and removing keratin. Tin Tin is especially effective for people in their teens, twenties and thirties. Flobay (for baby skin) Weight :100g/90g (when dried) Ingredients : calendula herb, jojoba, evening primrose oil, coconut, palm, olive, grape seed oil, lemon essential oil, vitamin E etc. Features : - Evening primrose oil contained in Flobay natural soap is effective in soothing allergic skin and keeping the skin moist and soft by supplying rich nutrients to rough and dry skin. Rich jojoba oil contained in Flobay natural soap is especially good for dry skin and baby skin as it has a good moisturizing effect. Lemon essence oil contained in Flobay natural soap is effective in soothing skin and fresh fragrance of lemon essence oil helps refresh you. Ato Ato (for extreme dry skin) Weight :100g/90g (when dried) Ingredients : camellia oil, chamomile herb, eosungcho, lavender essential oil, olive, palm, coconut, grape seed oil, jojoba, vitamin E etc. Features : - Chamomile herb, a main ingredient of Ato Ato is called the emperor of herb. Chamomile herb is effective in relieving skin inflammation as it has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Chamomile herb is especially effective for atopic dermatitis, sensitive skin and baby skin. Ato Ato contains olive oil and camellia oil which have a good moisturizing effect. Camellia oil contained in Ato Ato is effective in keeping the skin moist. Eosungcho powder which has a good detoxification effect helps protect the skin. Ato Ato is especially effective for atopic dermatitis and inflammatory skin. Mom's Natural Washing soap Weight :250g/220g (when dried) Ingredients : Natural additives such as palm oil, coconut oil, pine aroma oil Features : - Mom's natural laundry soap is hand-made by using only vegetable oil and natural aroma oil without using any chemical additives. Mom's natural laundry soap is especially good to wash lingerie and baby clothes. We use only 100% natural ingredient

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