Beam Pick Up Ass`y

Beam Pick Up Ass`y

Beam Pick Up Ass`y Made in Korea


Feature It`s a main beam data recording equipment for recoding on beam data media like CD or DVD, and playing back the data. Also it is a core equipment for beam disc player recoding and playing the sound or image signal with a laser in CDP, LDP, CD-ROM, MD or DVD. It revives any data information by gethering laser beam reflected beam disc or it records any data on beam disc with a laser. History of Media The keyword of media development is a changing to digital, high quality screen, high quality sound and large storage. In the end of 1960`s, it develop VTR based on the 1950`s LP(analog audio) and cassette tape. Also, in the end of 1970`s, it developed LD. The real digital audio era was started with CD, DAT, MD, etc in the 1980`s. DVD`s endless growing is expected beause of application for various using like a DVD-Audio, a DVD-Rom or a DVD-Ram, etc in the 2000`s. DVD-P is abbreviation for digital video disc-player. It`s a playack equipment reading digital video and digital audio simultaneously by using the infrared rays semiconductor (Wavelength : 620-645nm, non contact point way) The screen quality is the longest 600 minute (video) and used by reviving of movie or audio. Product line: Daeyang Korea main office in south Korea Capa : 20k/ month OPT Ass`y ACT Ass`y PCB Ass`y Blade Ass`y

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