Loess Charcoal

Loess Charcoal

Loess Charcoal Made in Korea


Loess Charcoal What is Loess Charcoal? Is environment-friendly comparing with existing charcoal by product that maximize far infrared exitance to 100% domestic clearness barren land. (There is no deadly wastes, hazardous article) I use a month by Loess Charcoal. Loess Charcoal silver cost reduction and use are simple and I do not need grate relief keeping as it is meat juice by cooking in radiant heat. Loess Charcoal is easy market hold by Welbing product. Characteristic Far infrared vast quantity emission. ? Loess is alive living things Costs is inexpensive than charcoal (about 1/2 ~ 1/3 level), and It is easy to manage Grate is clean even if roast long the meat. Because meat juice stores as it is, the meat does not dry. ? Taste is especial. Fine dust/ hazardous article/ deadly wastes does not happen. I use a month by a charcoal. (about 300~350 won cost a day) Application Is applicable in all trades which apply general charcoal. Beef, Pork, Abomasum, Chicken, Fish, Clam, Egg generally apply can. User convenience Fireplace Whangtto Sut puts considerable weight in convenience and developed. Hardwood charcoal Process that user lights need considerable time . (6~8 minute) Ashes burnt in use process are flowed in human body. (fine dust) when carry accident of worry. (burn or clothes damage) Because there are a lot of Suipsans, verification for human body hurtfulness ingredient is difficult. I do remnants remaining after use separation and there is uncomfortable that do cleaning each time. Hwangtto sut It is easy to manage. I need not to clean ashes because burnt product is not. There is no entirely fine dust occurrence. Replace is easy.

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