MOCA Made in Korea


MOCA (4.4-methylene-bis-orthochloroaniline)Application: MOCA (MBOCA) is a good curing and crosslinking agent for Polyurethane Elastomer, and hardner for Epoxy. MOCA used as a curing agent for polyurethane elastomers, the elastomers have been used to produce shoe soles, rolls for postage stamp machines, cutting bars in plywood manufacturing, rolls and belt drives in cameras, computers, and reproducing equipment, and pulleys for escalators and elevators.Finished Products may be as follows: 1. Castings: PU castings and Heavy Duty Tires2. Seals: PU Bushings, Washers and Seals3. Beltings: PU Round Belting4. Rollers: All Kinds of PU Rollers 5. Tubings: PU Pneumatic and Coiled Tubings 6. Rods & Sheetings: PU Rods, Drum, Sheeting 7. Floorings & Roofings: PU Athletic Tracks and Courts and Indoor &      Outdoor Floorings and Water-Proof Roofings8. Linings: PU Pipe Linings9. Machine Parts Coverings: PU Versatile Coverings for Machine PartsAs MOCA provides unique resistance to ocean shell and algae, MOCA can be added to make paints for ocean vessels; MOCA cured PU can also be used to mould ocean vessel propellers.Characteristics of polyurethane Cured with MOCA: 1. Good Abrasion Resistance; 2. Versatile Elastic Property; 3. Good Tensile; Tear; Scratch Strength; 4. Good Resistance to Chemical, Oil, Ozone and Cold; 5. Excellent Impact Resistance

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